Dedication to Mike
Dear Heroin is dedicated to my son Michael Thomas, a great warrior who lost his battle with a heroin addiction.
He fought valiantly and bravely until his demons overtook him and left him with only one choice. And that was to take his own life.
In the aftermath of his suicide, he continues to impact the lives of his friends and his family as they remember him not as an addict but a kind, caring and sensitive young man who could light up a room with his mega watt smile.
Michael Thomas Morrison
To the thousands of warriors who have lost their battles with addiction.
To those who are still in the heat of this conflict.
To all of the loving families who have fought courageously beside their sons and daughters, their siblings, their spouses, parents, grandparents, or friends.
I have been where you are. I know your pain, your sorrow, and your losses.
I stand beside you, not knowing how or when the tide may turn in favor of your loved one.