Reader Reviews
It is said in recovery communities that addiction is a family disease, not just because there is a genetic factor, but also because one person's addiction affects the whole family. Most recovery meetings observe moments of silence for the still sick and suffering, and some also observe these moments for those "caught in the crossfire" of another's addiction. Linda Morrison is one such person, desperately fighting for her son's life as he sought relief both through and from heroin.
Aptly titled, Dear Heroin: A Memoir of Goodbyes chronicles the devastating addiction of Morrison's son Mike. The book begins at the end of Mike's journey, with news from a police officer that no parent wants to hear: "I'm sorry to inform you of the death of your son." From there, Morrison takes us through the final years of her son's life, with vivid accounts of sweet everyday memories and the distressing tensions between them. Mike was charming and well-liked, came from a loving family of five, and had bright eyes that those closest to him will always remember. He made friends everywhere he went, including at the multiple rehabs he attended. Mike could remain sober for a while, passionate about recovery, but always slipped into heartbreaking relapses. This cycle repeated over and over for four harrowing years. All the while, he fought, and his family fought alongside him.
Morrison recounts her son's life with such deep love that readers cannot help but feel each hope and heartbreak with her. Even through hurt and disappointment, Morrison's dedication to Mike never wavered. Furthermore, the degree of detail of events and conversations that she articulates is astounding. Writing a book about such a profound loss can both reopen and help heal the wound; Morrison's courage in doing so is commendable. She writes that this book is an act of love, and it shows on every page. There was absolutely nothing to dislike about this memoir. It is raw, authentic, and captivating. Additionally, the editing is exceptional, as I did not find a single error. I happily rate Morrison's memoir 5 out of 5 stars.
I recommend this book to the tender-hearted and the thick-skinned, the lover and the fighter, the grateful and the bitter. All of the above are susceptible to experiencing or witnessing addiction. Dear Heroin is not a light read, and by nature it covers heavy topics such as suicide and drug use. For those who want a glimpse of pure love and loss, however, I encourage you to follow Mike's journey and Linda Morrison's heart.
—Kelsey Fulton,
This is important to me. When I was getting back on my feet, Mike and Brenda were managing the workings of City Market in Carbondale. Mike was supremely positive, and instilled hope. I miss him.
I just wanted you to know I have spent some time weeping through the first chapter of your book. It is so good and so poignant! My respect for what you have been through and written about is towering. Good job Linda! I can’t take chapter 2 yet. I have to clean myself up and do my chores. Holy shit!
— N.V.
Linda Morrison has written a riveting, and hope-filled book detailing her youngest son’s struggle with heroin addiction and death from an intentional overdose. I highly recommend reading it for insight into a family’s struggle with an addictive son, and not the least of all because I know and love Linda. The book is gut-wrenchingly honest with glimpses of humor scattered throughout. Linda and her husband’s strong faith is a large part of the book’s message.
— M.P.
I got this book in the mail today. It’s a book about one of my amazing best friends in high school and his AMAZING mother’s experience with his addiction from beginning to end. The strength, power, divine guidance his mother has is amazing and I encourage everyone to take a moment, think about these things and reach out to the people you love. In Mikey’s words “Live like you never know when God is going to call your number.”
— L.S.
Linda is one of the strongest mom’s I have ever met. This book is about her son Mikey Morrison who I had the honor of meeting and spending time with. Like so many he fought addiction HARD. Although, he lost that battle; his smile, courage, kindness, inspiration, love, hugs, and jokes will not be forgotten! I love you Linda Morrison, Mikey (aka: bread slice) and the entire Morrison family. True warriors!
— D.W.
Linda, It’s 4:15 a.m. and I’ve been reading your tribute to Mike since about 12:50 a.m...your time. The last hour with tears streaming down my face. I think of Mike often and share parts of his story at the treatment center I work at, both in groups and individual sessions. I have shared the story about this book with countless and I am honored to know you. What an amazing tribute to Mike and your love for him. You and Al are always in my prayers and know that Mike’s story and your family’s story continue to be an inspiration to addicts, alcoholics and their loved ones and always will be, as long as I am on this planet. Mikey and your family are truly the reason I wake up every morning and do what I do..I am never weary because of the kind of strength I’ve seen in you all and I know I can keep going on. Please know there is someone lighting a candle every day in Mikey’s honor
I just finished it. Linda, it was amazing. You were so honest and raw and allowed yourself to show your own vulnerabilities. It was such a beautiful book. So many tears. You are so strong.
So proud of this courageous woman, Linda Morrison. What a journey of healing she has been on and come out the other side with encouragement and hope for others. Mikey would be so proud of you! This will be a great resource for my clients who unfortunately have similar tragedies.
—T. J.
Hi Linda, I just finished your book! It was heartbreaking but so beautifully written.
Loved your book! Read it in a day. Could not put it down. You are amazing! I am very familiar with 12 step programs and you have nailed it perfectly. Putting this out there to others is a great service to others caught in the web of addiction. I am just so impressed. BRAVO, LINDA!!
For those of you that know someone battling addiction or if you have a family member who struggles with addiction, I encourage you to read Morrison's story. It’s a powerful one. Linda, Al, Dan and Sean, thank you for still being a part of my life today. I admire your courage and know Mikey shines down on each of you every single day.